Zip Lining: The Prequel

Growing up, I was not necessarily an “outdoorsy” type. Sure, my siblings and I swam at the public pool for a good 8 hours a day each summer while my mom nursed her hangover. Lest I sound bitter, I’m not: We had so much fun at that pool, and I became a great swimmer. Sometimes I visit my sisters, who still live in our hometown, and we take all of our kids back to that same pool to swim. The kids marvel at the fact that it used to be a simple concrete rectangle as opposed to what it is now: a waterpark complete with four water slides, a climbing wall, and a ninja warrior course. “You had… fun …in just a big square full of water?” my boys will ask me. “Yep,” I’ll respond, nodding my head definitively. “It only cost a dollar to get in, and guess how much money Grandma would send us with for snacks? Fifty cents. FOR THE WHOLE DAY.” They’ll gasp and ask what fifty cents could possibly have bought back then, and it’s usually at this point in ...